The past corona pandemic has put the immeasurable meaning of mask wearing in the foreground. While the world is still fighting with the effects of the virus, we should not weigh ourselves in false security . Even if Covid-19 is no longer the focus of the public, the vigilance and prevention measures remain with the greatest importance. Autumn signals the start of the annual cold season. The cool weather, the beginning of the heating season and the increased time spent in closed rooms increase the risk of respiratory infections. Especially in urban areas in which people live closer together, diseases can spread faster.
There are numerous others besides Covid-19 Viruses that threaten us. For example, the influenza virus changes annually and, especially in risk groups, can cause severe disease courses. Therefore, the annual flu vaccination is urgently advised. It not only minimizes the risk of flu disease, but also that of a co-infection and helps to reduce the stress on health services.
The practices that we have accepted to contain Covid-19-mask carrying, hand washing and social distancing-have proven to be extremely effective in preventing the distribution of other respiratory diseases. It is therefore advisable to continue these measures in the upcoming cold and flu season.
Health authorities worldwide emphasize the importance of good diet, Regular exercise and sufficient sleep. A healthy lifestyle strengthens the immune system and makes it more resistant to pathogens. If you are looking for global updates and specific health recommendations, you should visit the pages of the World Health Organization ( or the European Center for Prevention and the Control of Diseases ( ">
In this critical time, it is more crucial than ever to remain vigilant and to make responsible health decisions. We must continue to listen to the expert council and follow the recommended protective measures to better protect ourselves and our communities. Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center ( an excellent source for global covid-19 statistics and research results.